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22 Bunker Hill
Richardson, TX 75080


B.A., Major - Mathematics, Minor - Computer Information Science from Mansfield State University. Courses toward a M.S., Systems Management with the University of Southern California. Academic classes from the University of California, Irvine emphasizing Win32 programming. Microsoft SQL Server classes.

Technical Experience:

Machines: PC, Macintosh

Languages: C++, C, Visual BASIC, Delphi, Pascal and the 80X86 assembly languages

Systems: Windows Me,2000,XP,9x, Windows NT, MS-DOS, System 7.x and 8.x

Networks: Microsoft NT, Netware, ODBC

Tools: MFC, COM, OLE, ADO, MS Visual Studio, MS Source Safe

Applications: MS SQL Server, MS Office Apps., MS Internet Explorer, Netscape, AutoCAD

Professional Experience:

Consultant March 1997 - Present

Software Engineer, Rainbow Technologies Inc. August 1993 - March 1997

Previous experience

Military Service:

United States Marine Corps
Honorable discharge with rank of Captain. Received Naval Aviator wings, letters of Commendation and Citations. Piloted various helicopter aircraft.

Personal Data:

Excellent health, willing to travel/relocate. Activities include golf, reading, astronomy, writing and computing. References available on request.

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