Mighty Drake, Inc.

Mighty's Arcade

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High Scores

Black Knight 2000
Mighty 9,548,230
B 6,407,200
Russell 4,314,150
Greg 4,299,930
Digital Chicken 3,746,570
Rosy 1,491,950
Ken 1,125,080
Queen B 559,080
Toad 529,880
Carole ~500,000
Steven 445,130
Jennifer 417,630
Ann 410,200
Ms Pac-Man
Queen B 97,600
Nakina 62,400
Mighty 57,630
Stephanie 41,140
Missile Command
Mighty 189,470

Just a few pics of my arcade room.

Currently, I have Ms Pac-Man, Asteroids, Black Knight 2000 pinball, and Missile Command.  Click the images for a medium version.

ArcadeFromLeft0309-500.JPG (25287 bytes) Large     ArcadeFromRight0309-500.JPG (27014 bytes) Large

(The pizza box holds the shattered remains of the original backglass that came with the pinball machine.  I was working on something behind the glass and had the glass set aside.  A cat knocked it over.  I found a replica replacement on eBay by Alan Meyers.  Apparently, he's well-known for his reproductions.  The replacement looks great.)

The flooring is kinda interesting.  This room has spanish tile, which is uneven, and also very expensive to fix up if it gets gouged.  Originally, I bought some cheap 1/4" pressboard, cut it to fit underneath each of the machines, and glued cardboard "feet" to the bottom.  That didn't work very long.  The cardboard would compress and then the pressboard would scratch the tile.  Also, the machines had a tendency to slide off their pad, which meant a risk of gouging the tile.  So I went ahead and bought enough pressboard to cover the floor, and found a thin rubber mat to put under the pressboard.  We also kept the pressboard pads with cardboard feet.  The cardboard slides very easily on the pressboard flooring.  It totaled probably less than $50 at Home Labyrinth.

Here are a coupla pics with a piece of the pressboard slid aside, and some leftover rubber matting.  I'm very happy with how it all turned out.

ArcadeFloorWide-500.JPG (21438 bytes) Large     ArcadeFloorClose-500.JPG (19673 bytes) Large

Older pics:

Here are pics from when Andy's Marble Madness and his MAME machine were there.   Prior to these we've also had Gravitar, a cocktail Gorf, a basketball game (can't remember the title) and the case for a driving game that the vending company had been using as a trash can.

ArcadeFromLeft500.jpg (28563 bytes) Large     ArcadeRightThree500.jpg (24345 bytes) Large

ArcadeFromRight500.jpg (28084 bytes) Large     ArcadeLeftThree500.jpg (28277 bytes) Large


Super Auctions
This is where we've bought most of our games.  They tour around the country and hold auctions at a given venue about every three or four months.  The price of a classic game, like Asteroids or Ms Pacman will usually run about $500 - $750, depending on the condition of the machine.  I think I got Asteroids for about $475 and Missile Command for $375.  I think Andy paid about $575 for Ms Pacman.  I got the Pinball machine on eBay from a place in Arkansas called Mike's Vending.  $910+$55 packing + only $40 shipping via Forward Air.  I didn't expect to win the auction for that low.  Since eBay has such a large audience it tends to sell at the price the item is worth.
I had a long email exchange with this guy.  He was very helpful.  I ended up buying a manual for my Missile Command from him.
The Pinball Resource
A good source for pinball parts and paraphernalia.  Including a starter kit of cleaning supplies.

Please email comments, typos, errors, dead links, and any suggestions to webmaster@mightydrake.com. (Privacy statement)
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Last modified: July 19, 2006
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