Download the file v4.5 Jul 3, 2003
Copyright © 2002-2003 All Rights Reserved Drake Christensen
System requirements: Tested on Win 98 SE and Win ME. As far as I know it should work on all Win 9x, NT, 2k and XP systems.
This program is not all that hard to use.
The basic concept is:
Main screenThe operation of the Main screen is pretty straightforward. The text windows are simply for information. They show the output from the latest substitutions. The Settings button and FTP Configure buttons bring up the appropirate windows. The Update Once Then Exit checkbox is duplicated on the Settings screen. It's included here to make it easier to notice. You would use this checkbox if you want the program to run when you boot and then go away. Or, if you're using some other program such as the Windows Scheduler to fire off an update. The Hide button hides the window and removes it from the Windows taskbar at the bottom of the screen. Use the Hotkey defined on the Settings screen. The Do It button forces a substitution and write immediately, even if the timers haven't expired. It's useful for testing changes to the template files without having to quit and re-run the program. |
SettingsMost of the fields on this screen are pretty self-explanatory. For the Input SETI@Home field you want to point at the main SETI@Home directory. For the standard screensaver, that's where the program will look for the user_info.sah file. If you're using Setihide then the program will search all of the cache directories below that one. The Default button will fill this field with C:\Program Files\SETI@Home. The Sig and HTML input and output and the Quote text input fields are obvious. As you can see in this example, Eudora requires writing the sig file to the Eudora Sigs directory. The Enabled checkboxes are obvious. The FTP Enabled checkbox is duplicated on the FTP Configure screen. The "Cfg" button brings up the FTP Configure screen The Quote Delimiter is how quotes are separated in the quote file. The most common separater is a blank line. The "\\n\\n" is used to specify this. If you want a blank-looking line in your quotes then put a space on the line. The Adjust Front and Adjust Back fields are used for alignment. Some delimiters cause the search engine to chop off the front or the back of the quote that's found. I couldn't find any way to always make the adjustments automatically. Therefore, I provide these fields so you can line them up if the program misbehaves in this way. The Unhide Window Hotkey is how you bring the program back up when you hide it. Note: You can capture any key, even unshifted keys. That would be bad. I'm pretty sure you don't want to uncheck all of the modifier boxes and capture the "A" key. To avoid overlapping with common key combinations in may programs, you probably want to check at least two of the modifier checkboxes. The default is Alt+Windows+A. The File write interval fields should be obvious. You would use Update Once then exit if you want to run the program only when you boot up, or if you're using some other program such as the Windows Scheduler to fire off an update. This flag is duplicated on the Main Screen. Hide window on start is pretty obvious. Use this if you wish to normally run the program with the main window hidden. If you're using Setihide then this checkbox will search through the cache directories looking for the latest. Obviously, if you're just using the default SETI@Home screensaver then you don't want to check this. Even if you are using Setihide, you can leave this unchecked and point at one of the cache directories. I don't know why you'd want to, but it'll work. |
FTP ConfigureVery important! The passwords on this screen are not secure! If there's any question about someone having access to this machine who you don't want to have your passwords, then don't use this feature. The Enabled checkbox is obvious. This flag is duplicated on the Settings screen. If you're behind a firewall or proxy of any kind then you need to set Passive Mode. That's just the way FTP works. Read up on it if you want to know more about why. The Server Settings are info on where to upload the file. Their use should be obvious from their labels. Various web hosts handle FTP differently. Some, you point at your own domain. Others, like mine, make you point at the FTP server itself and then the server points at your web site directories based on your login. I'm afraid I can't document the Firewall Settings. If you need them then you'll have to experiment with them to figure out what to put in them. The FTP library I'm using has these fields but doesn't explain how they're used. I know that they're interpreted differently for each firewall type. I have a firewall here, but this lib works just fine through it without any authentication. Your mileage may vary. If anyone can point me at documentation describing what different firewalls need then I'll include it here. |
Debug OutputThis screen is for my own use. I guess you can consider it sort of an easter egg, or a behind-the-scenes look at what I have spit out while debugging the program. But I'm not going to spell out anything on this screen. |
Replacement strings ----------------------------------------------------------
See TemplateTest.txt for this list in text form
<%User%> | User on this machine |
<%TotalSecsLbl%> | Total seconds, floating point, labeled |
<%TotalSecsIntLbl%> | Total seconds, integer, labeled |
<%YearsLbl%> | Years, labeled |
<%DaysLbl%> | Days, labeled |
<%HoursLbl%> | Hours, labeled |
<%MinsLbl%> | Minutes, labeled |
<%SecsLbl%> | Seconds, labeled |
<%WUsLbl%> | Work Units, labeled |
<%TotalSecs%> | Total seconds, floating point |
<%TotalSecsInt%> | Total seconds, integer |
<%TotalMins%> | Total minutes, decimal |
<%TotalMinsInt%> | Total minutes, integer |
<%TotalHours%> | Total hours, decimal |
<%TotalHoursInt%> | Total hours, integer |
<%TotalDays%> | Total days, decimal |
<%TotalDaysInt%> | Total days, integer |
<%TotalYears%> | Total years, decimal |
<%Years%> | Years (would be same as TotalYearsInt) |
<%Days%> | Days |
<%Hours%> | Hours |
<%Mins%> | Minutes |
<%Secs%> | Seconds |
<%WUs%> | Work Units |
<%WUProgress%> | Decimal progress through the current WU (ex 0.601234) |
<%WUProgressInt%> | Integer progress (ex 60) |
<%WUCurSecsLbl%> | Total time in seconds on this WU, decimal |
<%WUCurSecsIntLbl%> | Total time in seconds labeled, integer |
<%WUCurSecs%> | Total time in seconds, decimal |
<%WUCurSecsInt%> | Total time in seconds, integer |
<%WUCurMins%> | Total time in minutes, decimal |
<%WUCurMinsInt%> | Total time in minutes, integer |
<%WUCurHours%> | Total time in hours, decimal |
<%WUCurHoursInt%> | Total time in hours, integer |
<%WUCurDays%> | Total time in days, decimal |
<%WUCurDaysInt%> | Total time in days, integer |
<%WUDays%> | Days |
<%WUHours%> | Hours |
<%WUMins%> | Minutes |
<%WUSecs%> | Seconds |
<%WUDaysLbl%> | Days labeled |
<%WUHoursLbl%> | Hours labeled |
<%WUMinsLbl%> | Mins labeled |
<%WUSecsLbl%> | Seconds labeled |
<%WUTotalSecsLeftInt%> | Total seconds left, integer |
<%WUTotalMinsLeft%> | Total minutes left |
<%WUTotalMinsLeftInt%> | Total minutes left, integer |
<%WUTotalHoursLeft%> | Total hours left |
<%WUTotalHoursLeftInt%> | Total hours left, integer |
<%WUTotalDaysLeft%> | Total days left |
<%WUTotalDaysLeftInt%> | Total days left, integer |
<%WUDaysLeft%> | Days left |
<%WUHoursLeft%> | Hours left |
<%WUMinsLeft%> | Minutes left |
<%WUSecsLeft%> | Seconds left |
<%WUDaysLeftLbl%> | Days left labeled |
<%WUHoursLeftLbl%> | Hours left labeled |
<%WUMinsLeftLbl%> | Minutes left labeled |
<%WUSecsLeftLbl%> | Seconds left labeled |
<%WUTotalSecsLeft%> | Total seconds left |
<%SigIntervalTotalSecs%> | Sig interval in seconds |
<%SigIntervalDays%> | Sig interval, days |
<%SigIntervalHours%> | |
<%SigIntervalMins%> | |
<%SigIntervalSecs%> | |
<%HTMLIntervalTotalSecs%> | HTML interval |
<%HTMLIntervalDays%> | |
<%HTMLIntervalHours%> | |
<%HTMLIntervalMins%> | |
<%HTMLIntervalSecs%> | |
<%CurDateSting%> | OS-formatted date/time string (includes line break) |
<%CurDateYear%> | The year with century |
<%CurDateYr%> | Last two digits of year |
<%CurDateMonth%> | Full month name |
<%CurDateMonthNum%> | Month number 01 - 12 |
<%CurDateMon%> | Abbreviated month |
<%CurDateDayOfYear%> | Day of year 001 - 366 |
<%CurDateDayOfMon%> | Day of month 01 - 31 |
<%CurDateDayOfWeek%> | Full name of day |
<%CurDateDayOfWk%> | Abbreviated name of day |
<%CurDateHour12%> | Hour in 12-hour format 01 - 12 |
<%CurDateHour24%> | Hour in 24-hour format 01 - 24 |
<%CurDateAMPM%> | AM or PM |
<%CurDateMinute%> | Minute in the hour 00 - 59 |
<%CurDateSecond%> | Second in the monute 00 - 59 |
<%ProgramVersion%> | Program version |
<%RandomQuote%> | Random entry from quote file |
Acknowledgements -------------------------------------------------------------
Freeware FTP source