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The Big Lebowski VHS DVD

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Another really odd movie by the Coen brothers.

I didn't catch it at first, but the very general description of all of the Coen movies is the same.  A kidnapping that doesn't go quite right.

My mom, who loved Raising Arizona and Fargo, didn't really like this movie.  Fargo didn't really do much for me until she related that the actors had accurately captured the mannerisms of people in the Minnesota area.  We're guessing that the reason this movie left her flat is that she hasn't experienced the Los Angeles culture as she has the Minnesota culture, albeit briefly.

The humor was a little more up-front than in Fargo.  But not as wacky as Raising Arizona.

Another thing I hadn't noticed is that most of the Coen characters are not all that bright.  Mostly they blunder through their lives, trying to ignore the unusual circumstances going on around them.  That's a pretty good way to describe this movie.   The Bridges character and his friends just want to concentrate on their bowling.

Coen regulars:
John Goodman
Steve Buscemi
The big kidnapper from Fargo

I expect I won't understand this movie until I see it another time or two. And even though I generally liked it, the fact that I'm spending all my time comparing it to the other two must mean that it doesn't stand on its own as well.  On my brother's Total Movie Value Scale, rates Cable with Popcorn and Drinks.

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