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Fireworks 2006

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2006-1.jpg (16380 bytes)At Rosy's, 2006

Another mostly-disappointing effort on my part, this year.  I took 235 pics and at least 50 were flat-out misses.  My second pass through culled another 35 which were all but misses.  Just a few dots or something similar.  Another pass or two left many more on the cutting room floor.

I didn't climb on the roof this time because it had rained a little that evening.   The pitch of Rosy's roof is steep enough that I was only mostly-comfortable last year.  I seriously considered climbing up there, but just didn't feel I had enough grip.  With concentration it would have been safe.  But while being distracted by taking pics I was afraid of slipping.

I'm in the process of evaluating JAlbum.  I haven't gotten into it enough to make it look like this site, though it appears it's quite capable.  So, here are this year's pics.

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Last modified: July 06, 2006
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